Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?

I would be very interested in finding out how one manages to justify (or sneak in the home) expensive audio equipment without having to sell your soul to the Devil? It's quite a challenge for many of us I think. I heard of someone buying a Bel Canto DAC and telling his girlfriend that " Oh it's just a $ 100.00 power conditionner", or whatever. Seem like we need to get creative here if we can pursue this crazy hobby much longer! Regards All...
THROW 'EM OUT!!! See how long they can make it on their own without a stinkin' lawyer
PS: David, having privately discussed a few minor matters with the Audiogon staff, on occasion, they really are normal people (just like the rest of us) with a sense of humor. They are just not allowed to kick back as the rest of us, on a regular basis, as this is their place of business, which is understandable. What I mean is that if you offer yourself up, on the chopping block, as a willing successor to Alessandro Moreschi (who in their right mind would not follow through on this offer:-), but otherwise, as I have said in the other threads, I do not find the new forum guidelines to be restrictive, at all (just in good taste), even more so than this post.
My wife has listened with me for over thirty years. She was the one that said the dCS upgrade from the MSB Platinum was worth the extra $$.
Girlfriends and wifes, how do I cope? Easy, I never allow them to listen to my system at the same time.

Seriously, when my wife and I met for the first time nearly thirty years ago, I already had speakers nearly her height at one end of my living room. She knew from that moment on that I was dedicated to music and has rarely ask about the system since.

One exception was in 1990 when I replaced my Vandersteen 4's with Soundlab A1's. She came into the living room one day after work, looked at them ( how could she miss them? ) and ask, "are those going to stay here?" (They did).
The secret is to bring your wife into this madness in a way that she understands and can appreciate. This takes time and patience, but the long term benefits are significant.

Timing is critical.... don't try to get her to sit down and listen when she is focused on something else. Catch that relaxed, all caught up, nothing critical mass going on, time and suggest opening some wine (after YOU'VE made dinner) and listen to some music that SHE likes.... one that is well recorded and musical (this will take some research, but well worth it)....

If you can get her to sit down, just for a little while.... 30 minutes......make sure that she has the sweet spot.... her wine glass full......... YOU'LL WIN for the rest of the TIME!

Ya gotta get her hearing the soundstage - once you do... it's YOUR LIFE and you can DO what EVER you want!
Sounds like work??? Isn't anything worth having?

The point is that you need to spend some time and effort to get her to understand.. at least a little....

Once she's in your corner, you've got it made....

Trying to go (sneak) around doesn't work.... News Bulletin - WOMEN DON'T LIKE SECRETS... of ANY kind.....I'm sure that it can be traced back to caveman or something, but trust me on this one.....