Tubed Pre question?

Which configuration gives better ALL around good/great sound for a lot of types of music?

Tubed Pre-Amp paired with solid state? or maybe Tubed Pre-Amp with a tube amp, or a Tube Pre-Amp paired with a hybrid amp (tube input, SS output)...

(Yes.. I already own a tubed pre..)

Which combo regardless of different brands sounds juuust right in your opinion?

I am sure I'll get all types of responses. BUt that's what I want. I'm 38 years old and I listen to mostly live music of the likes of the Grateful Dead(Live Recordings/Soundboards/Studio Albums) Allman Brothers, jam bands..etc.. but I also like The Blues, old time rock-n-roll, hard rock is cool w/me..(older AC/DC, Guns-n-Roses..many others) I like Jazz too..(Sonny Rollins is excellent imo.), original punk, good 1980's/90's pop tunes etc.. BUT I am also open to new GOOD music that may some along in any genre..

Again.. which configuration would sound juuust right in your opinion?

I have settled on a tubed pre-amp (Modwright) and Class D amp (Bel Canto). The tubed pre-amp gives a "body and soul" to the music and the Class D gives great dynamics, full frequency extremes and is extremely quiet. The greatest factor, however, is most likely the speakers you will be using. There is no answer in all situations and you speakers will have certain requirements such as efficiency, cone vs electrostat, size of room, and so forth. I was speaking to Dan Wright the other day and although he could build tubed amps easily, instead he choose a solid state amp with a tubed pre. Good luck in your quest. And remember to have fun! Enjoy!
tube watts are more expensive than SS, and if you want great bass - without using a sub - you'll need lots, so budget is a major factor. if you have a large budget, get speakers that go low and a high-powered tube amp. if your budget is smaller, I'd go for a lower powered tube amp, good imaging speakers, and a powered sub - just make sure it's a 'musical', not 'one-note' sub.
Beginning with all solid state separates, I moved to a tubed preamp with SS power amp. Afterwards, I purchased a tubed power amp and prefer the overall sound of tubed preamp with tubed power amp. As mentioned in previous two posts. there are no fast answers and a lot of considerations with all equipment when it comes to matching and synergy issues and, most of all, a sound that you find pleasing to your ears!
I've used several different combos:SS/SS,Tube/SS,Tube/hybrid,SS/Hydrid,SS/tube and tube pre/tube amp.My opinion is that the all-tube set-up gives me what I am looking for.Mating the tube amp/speaker should be given much care.If you get that combo wrong,you're in for trouble and won't be happy.YMMV.
From the music you list I say tubed pre & SS amp for fast powerful bass. Musicslug has the money thing spot on!!