what happened to Cary 500MB?

I came across a review from '05 of the Cary 500 mono blocks, and they thought they were outstanding!! So I researched some more, these are supposed to be amazing for SS, everyone's stoked and then, by mid'06 - nothing. Nary a mention. Can't find any used ones.
Still on Cary's website, though.
What happened? Maybe no one knows (like where the Federal Reserve has been lending money - sorry - I digress) - or did they "fall out of favor"? Although I didn't come across anything negative about them??
Macdadtexas, u a funny man - lol. I was one of those who made such an offer b\4 one came up for sale.
There are two pairs of 500MB's on Audiogon now, both at $4000 and both already sold. How much power do they draw at idle, does anyone know?

Funny you should say that about Paradigm Actives. I heard a pair, think it was the 40s, at a show a fews back and was really impressed.

I have Dynaudio Confidence C1s but am thinking that I may try out the new Magnepan 1.7 later this year, so I'm on the lookout for an amp that will serve them both well without costing a fortune. Spectron had been near the top of my to-try list, but now...
Don't let this discussion stop you from checking out the Spectron. They may very well work for you, but I clearing prefered the Cary. Well another thing that actually made the Cary work so well for me is the fact that I do have the Cary SLP 05 pre-amp so it was a perfect match.
Drubin, I have the C2's paired with the 500MB's for over a year and a half and have not even looked for another amp since then. They replaced Lamm M1.1's.
Don't try to e=mail cary for any answers why they stopped production. I e-mailed them twice without a reply, customer service has gone down since Dennis gave up the day to day grind. In comparison I emailed Mac for the same question on there amp and was emailed back the next day.