2k budget for Amp

With a budget of ~2k for a new or used amp to power Spendor S8e any suggestions of what I should be checking out?

Is it important to find a class A amp?
No.It depends on sound you like.What have you heard that you like?I can tell you from same manufacturer (I sold Krell back in day) all things being equal Class sounds better but gives off way more heat.Hard to find Class A new at that price.If you could see if you can get trial on a Class D amp like PS or Bel canto.But Wyred from Underwoodwally offers big current for bucks.Nice old standby for me is Bryston 4 B ST with warranty left on it (A/B).You have some options on a hybrid integrated like Pathos for $1500 or a Unison.or go tubes with decent integrated (I won EAR 834 but think friends Cary SLI80 is one to beat).But you didn't mention pre so......
I just bought a used Parasound A21 after much looking for a lot less than 2K. I almost went with a Class D but it seemed the more I read the more downsides I encountered.

The comments on the A21 seem to be universally positive. Though system synergy and tastes have to be taken into account.

Used amps in your budget I would consider:
- Plinius SA-100
- Pass Labs X-150
- Older Jeff Rowland amps
- Audio Research 100.2

I'm still skeptical of the class D amps, but admittedly, I have no first hand experience with them.