Help me down grade

I used to spend a lot of time listening and enjoying my system (cj 11a, ai 3a, well tempered table with clearaudio wood, cary 303 hdch and energy vertitas 2.3s). I now listen to the system a few times a year. I'm getting married and have agreed to down grade to a "book shelf system" for space and $ considerations. My living room is very live. It has lots of windows, hard wood floors, and old plaster walls. I have found that tubes have been the only solution to mellow out the live room. So, is it possible to get a decent book self tube system for 1000 to 1500? Suggestions?

Invest in a Squeezebox with a nice tube integrated and small speakers by ProAc or Spendor--you will be amazed at the kind of sound you can get with such a system. Buy used!
Where will the new speakers be located (shelf, close to wall, et cetera) and how large is the room?

Also will you be keeping the TT and/or CD player, or are you looking for something more compact?
The speakers will be mounted on the wall or a shelf

The room is 13 x 19

tt and cd player are going. Yes, something smaller would be better.
