Anybody tried Naim integrated with ATC speakers?

I have a pair of ATC SCM 19 stand mounted speakers, said to be rather less sensitive. I wonder how would they sound with a Naim integrated. The last model of Naim, XS, is rated at 60 watts per channel, quite a lot for a Naim, but would it be enough for ATC?
Although I don't listen to high decibels, I need a good resolution, for my large collection of large orchestral works.
NAD is releasing a new integrated amp that takes many of the advanced features of the M3 and places it in the more modestly priced non-Master series chassis. It is the new 375. I would hold off buying the M3 in favor of this. Very impressive specs and features the core M3 electronics. Was just announced on the new Absolute Sound website this week. There will be a $1,000 difference in price at the retail level.

I have owned numerous ATC speakers and feel you should plan at least 100 to 150 watts to properly drive the 19s. I own the M3 and can attest to its performance. It throws a nice soundstage and is fairly neutral, lacking the warmth of earlier NAD models. I am very anxious to see the new 375. I would also look at the new McIntosh 6300 amp or maybe something British like a Roksan Kandy 2. Both are in the beefy 100 to 150 watt range that Shadorne describes above and will be brilliant all rounders.

I love the build-to-value quality of NAIM and LFD products.
These are small English companies that relish old world craftsmenship, measured in decades of customer satisifaction. They deserve the great press they receive. I think they would work better with other English speakers like the new KEF Reference Speakers, Harbeth, and Spendor. ATC is of the same calibre but has rarely embraced the consumer market, in favor of professional environments. I really think that only the smaller ATC 7s would work with these amps that are in the 60 watt range.
Take a chance on it. The Naim will be easy to sell if you don't like it. It will sound great, likely as not.

Might do a search at the Naim forums.
Hey some nice comments on the M3. Seems every time I see anything written it is not positive on here lately. Usually somebody has some issue. I am glad to see a few nice comments. I is an integrated I thought about. Seems quite a few for sale lately.
I once owned ATC SCM 12's and drove them with a Naim 112/150 combo (50 watts/channel). There was not enough oomph to really make the speakers shine. I changed to a LFD dual-mono 90 watts/channel. The difference was quite noticeable with much more authority, impact and bass.

How similar is the M3 to their regular products? I owned the c272 amp and the c162 pre a while back, wasn't impressed. Not that bad in sound but nothing special either. Best thing I can say about the pair was they didn't have the irritating etchy highs like a lot of equipment but they didn't seem to have a lot of ooomph either. Most disappointing was the quality. You could tell everything felt kind of cheap and flimsy. For the price they're ok and I've certainly heard worse but I wouldn't get excited about NAD master's series line if it's similar to their regular stuff.