Thank you, every post makes excellent points. I wouldn't be considering a modification of this expense if I wasn't considering these amps as long term keepers; long...long term. This modification is very expensive ($1800+ per chassis) and would be lunacy as an investment. However, and to my musical soul, there is an ineffable quality to these amplifiers that enables me to look past their audiophile shortcomings and enjoy music as I rarely do outside of a live event. I know that there are modifiers with excellent reputations, that would not restrict me to Teflon caps - Bill Thallman is certainly one; but the folks at cj believe that Teflon caps are the only worthwhile upgrade. It's a difficult decision to make without knowing the results. I don't want to lose the magic.
Pardon my naivete, but what kind of problems are endemic of older amplifiers. I know that caps eventually leak, but shouldn't a well maintained amplifier last indefinitely.
Pardon my naivete, but what kind of problems are endemic of older amplifiers. I know that caps eventually leak, but shouldn't a well maintained amplifier last indefinitely.