No output on New LS26

I just hooked it up for the first time and have tried both outputs and CD and Proc Pass Thru and get no response from volume. Re hooked main amp back up to pre-pro and it works fine. Hooked up Grado headphone amp up to outputs and nothing. Hooked Grado up to Monitor and get bleed thru so a signal is present. Hooked grado up to record out and get full sound. The culprit appears to be the volume switch. Spent an hour on the phone with the dealer, we racked our brains. Life sometimes has a simple solution that you just don't see it. OH also tried reset procedure 4 times. SO any one have an idea before I box it back up. Hoping is just a tad of magic dust, mixed with sap of oak tree and a frog eye. Let me know what you think.
Sono, Thank you but I did try the Bal/Se a number of times
and tried both cables think maybe the Bal/Se switch was dead. I think since I get a faint faint sound at 103(max vol)from cd and a grounding hum/buz from PROC with pre/pro volume at max. It must be a bad volume switch or something in that circuit. Frustrating I have been saving for a year to get this. Boo Hoo for me. Thank again
One last note: Audio Research was very patient and understanding this morning when I called them, as my dealers line was busy when I called him. Well my dealer has just informed me that ARC is shipping a replacement 2 day air. My first taste of doing business with Audio Research has proven to be very positive. All products regardless of who makes them are sucseptable to break. That is not unrealistic. The real litmus test is how the manufacturer handles it. I have always delt with Mcintosh and had stellar service from them and their equipment. I wanted to try the ARC LS26 because I beleive in it's price range I would not beat the performance. And in light of all that has happened thus far. I can say that ARC may become my new system core. When/if I tire of the Mc amps I will most likely consider ARC as replacements.
I also want to add, that I find so much pleasure in dealing with an American company and a service rep. that is not India and understands when customer is having an issue and resolves in a stand up manner such as ARC did.
And to my Dealer Rick at Audio Alternative in Ft.Collins who took this on his shoulders as a personnal task as if he was the one to blame, I would be hard pressed to find another like him in the level of service he has provided me through the years. E.g. he is closed today and took his time to get this resolved.
And finally,thanks to all my fellow Audiogoners who offered help in my moment of need.
Com'on Thursday!
Update: Replacement is in the other room making music as I type this. Thanks again to Leonard at Audio Research and Rick at Audio Alternative for getting this done is such a positive and timely manner. Good service is fast becoming a rarity in our business world and I have found two that beieve it is the cornersone of any business with a future.
This economy will sift out those that don't adopt these beliefs.
The old adage "if it works out of the box, it isn't Hi End" has always lead me to make the dealer take the new product out of the box and hook the unit up at his facility to ensure it works before I take it home. I've had experiences like yours before and they are extremely disappointing. I'm glad to hear your situation was quickly resolved.
RHljazz, I guess I am the anal guy that always tells the dealer that I want the "wedding night" experience. So I have always asked to hand me a sealed box. This is the first dead unit I have ever received. On the exchange unit the dealer did take it out and it was playing when i arrived yesterday. We then took then dead unit and confirmed it was indeed, well passed on. We pulled the sheet over it's head and called the coroner.