Wyred4S or Belles for Usher Be718?

Has anyone out there made the comparison between the Class D Wyred amps and that of the Belles or even the Odyssey Stratos Extreme monoblocks?

These 3 amps are on my short list to drive my inefficient speakers (sound best with 200watts or more). My budget is 2k used or may stretch to 2.5K for something exceptional.

What are the advantages of class a/b vs a superb sounding class d?

In my experience the power, control and sheer emotion are the advantages of class A and a class A biased A/B designs over class D.
The frequent advantage of class D is one of hig energy efficiency and overall excellent control over difficult speaker loads. Besides that, there is no outright advantage of class A, A/B, or D. There are only lots of different amps that sound very different and may or may not match your listening prefs, regardless of class 'affiliation'. Guido
I would stay away from stereotypes about any "class" of amplifier. Generalizations such as "class A/B has more emotion than class D" make no sense whatsoever.

For what it's worth, I have a Wyred ST500, which has considerably more control, and sheer emotion than either my class A/B Conrad Johnson sonographe amp, and my class A/B Anthem MCA50, both of which are great sounding amps.