Not that I am siding with Fplanner2000 and
Charles1dad, but I think if you are ready to move to the HF cables, going through the Cable Company to obtain audition pairs and listening/comparing them in "your system" is the best way. This way, you are relying on your own ears. OTOH, you can list the cables you have had and currently have in your system to see if others have compared them to the HF cables.
Not that I am siding with Fplanner2000 and
Charles1dad, but I think if you are ready to move to the HF cables, going through the Cable Company to obtain audition pairs and listening/comparing them in "your system" is the best way. This way, you are relying on your own ears. OTOH, you can list the cables you have had and currently have in your system to see if others have compared them to the HF cables.