Shindo Masseto Tubes and Fuses

Just bought a Shindo Masseto and like to ask for opinions concerning tube rolling and fuses
1. What type of 12AT7 should I get as backups?
2. I have heard that Hi-Fi Tuning slo-blo is wonderful in improving the sound of this preamplifier. How many fuse does Masseto use and must I open the cover in order to change the fuses
3. What about power cords. Currently using Virtual Dynamics Master but are there better ones for this.
4. What vibration/footers to use.


YG Lim
I've also tried tweaks to a certain degree with my Aurieges (brass cones, sorbothane feet, maple block), always came back to the default settings -- even the funky little power cord sounds better then the few aftermarket ones i've tried. Leave it on it's own feet preferably on a wood rack (I read Shindo voices his gear on Maple) and use the orig power cord.

I bought mine used here on the gon and it came with a HiFi fuse, I've only heard it with that in it. Curious now if any perceivable improvement would be had with the original fuse!
YG, NEVER replace a fast blow fuse with a slow blow fuse. This is a sure-fire recipe, if something goes wrong.

Also, I believe Telefunken 12AT7/Ecc81 tubes will throw your Shindo preamp off-balance. Tele 12AT7s sound very detailed and crisp. These are great to improve the sound of low-resolution tube gear, not so good if your preamp is voiced with other tubes.
I hope this helps
I would suggest you to better use the stock power cable than the Virtual Dynamics Master. This power cord acts like a filter bringing the middle frequencies in front, cutting a lot of high frequencies and boosting the bass. IMHO
YG, as you can see most guys think that you shouldn't mess with Shindo gear. But you prolly need to get it out of your system, (no pun intended) so why not try a few tweaks for yourself? Swapping the power cables and using footers are pretty easy, give it a shot, listen for a while and judge for yourself. Be sure to report back to us though, we're all curious to see how it works out.
Thanks very much input. After listening a while, I do agree with you completely. Somehow there is just too much bass and midrange, overshadowing everything else.

I have not tried any tweaks on the Masseto actually. Just wanted to know if anyone has improved the performance of this preamp.

btw, how does get the replacement tubes in case one blows. Does shindo sells the tubes for this preamp?

YG Lim