Need Help Choosing a Tube Preamp for a Classe Amp

I have Thiel CS3.7 speakers and a Delta 2200 Classe amp. I'd like some suggestions for what tube preamps to audition to match with this amp/speaker combo. The Thiels are wonderful but unforgiving of things like tube rush and I have little interest in tube rolling or high maintenance. The Classe Delta is a fairly neutral SS amp. I'd rather not spend more than $3000 used...or is that unreasonably low? I've listened to the VTL 5.5 and was impressed.
If you can go with balanced, it will reduce the sonic artifact of the interconnect cables. If done right, balanced line will allow you to go with very inexpensive cables with no sonic artifact at all. I've seen $85.00 cables (25 feet long) replace $25,000 worth of cables (24 feet long) with no audible difference at all...
What characteristics are you interested in?
Mullard CV-4004/M8137 or Brimar:warmer/fuller tonal balance
Siemens/Amperex:linear with good transient behavior.
I'm sure there will be other recommendations to come.
Ditto choosing Mullard CV-4004's tubes for 12AX7/ECC83. Amperex white labels for 6922's.