I have found this thread very interesting based on my own experience with passive preamps in the past. As Pubul57 knows, since he purchased from me the Placette buffered, I went from this great resitor based passive to John Chapman's TVC based Tap unit. Loved how the TVC sounded in my system and went on to write a review here on the GON to share what I thought were its sonic virtues.
As Paul mentioned already on this thread, factors such as cabling, gain, and impedance can have a dramatic effect on the performance of a passive linestage in any system. So, my following comments of course our in the context of my system. However, at least five other audiophile friends have come to the same conclusions in their systems which are very different then mine.
The clarity/transparency, the microdetails, natural timbres, if feed by the right source, rank with the best in the world regardless of cost. But I always, regardless of which passive I had in my system, noticed two very important shortcomings that become apparent over time and in comparsion with great active linestages.
1) The depth of my sound stage was shortened to a great degree and overall their was less image density without as much air around individual players.
2) Paul, had mentioned some were either on this thread or another on passives that people claimed that passives lack macrodynamics and he questioned what did they really mean by this statement. When I first got interested in passives I two found this negative comment often stated and yet felt that there was extension on the bottom end with good kick and power. What I'm now aware of is a deficiency I would not label as macrodynamics, but what I would call the PRAT factor. Very subjectively stated it's as if the "aliveness" of my system dramatically decreases and it makes it harder to get into the music regarding pace and rhythm. It's pretty dramatic in my system compared with an active linestage, the overall musical perspective sounds like my system as gone to "sleep".
So, here's my questions regarding the Lightspeed piece, is their any reason to believe that George's passive would not have the same short comings I have found in other passives? If it would address these concerns, what would be the explanation how/why it would do this?
A final question for Paul, it's very apparent your a great fan of the Lightspeed, would you share details regarding why you think it is much better then the Placette or TVC's that you have experienced before. Thanks in advance.
As Paul mentioned already on this thread, factors such as cabling, gain, and impedance can have a dramatic effect on the performance of a passive linestage in any system. So, my following comments of course our in the context of my system. However, at least five other audiophile friends have come to the same conclusions in their systems which are very different then mine.
The clarity/transparency, the microdetails, natural timbres, if feed by the right source, rank with the best in the world regardless of cost. But I always, regardless of which passive I had in my system, noticed two very important shortcomings that become apparent over time and in comparsion with great active linestages.
1) The depth of my sound stage was shortened to a great degree and overall their was less image density without as much air around individual players.
2) Paul, had mentioned some were either on this thread or another on passives that people claimed that passives lack macrodynamics and he questioned what did they really mean by this statement. When I first got interested in passives I two found this negative comment often stated and yet felt that there was extension on the bottom end with good kick and power. What I'm now aware of is a deficiency I would not label as macrodynamics, but what I would call the PRAT factor. Very subjectively stated it's as if the "aliveness" of my system dramatically decreases and it makes it harder to get into the music regarding pace and rhythm. It's pretty dramatic in my system compared with an active linestage, the overall musical perspective sounds like my system as gone to "sleep".
So, here's my questions regarding the Lightspeed piece, is their any reason to believe that George's passive would not have the same short comings I have found in other passives? If it would address these concerns, what would be the explanation how/why it would do this?
A final question for Paul, it's very apparent your a great fan of the Lightspeed, would you share details regarding why you think it is much better then the Placette or TVC's that you have experienced before. Thanks in advance.