Here is your remote controlled Lightspeed. Albeit an optocoupler attenuator with J-FET buffer, and a steep price tag.
Myth Audio
Myth Audio
Slagle AVC Modules & Lightspeed Attenuator
Here is your remote controlled Lightspeed. Albeit an optocoupler attenuator with J-FET buffer, and a steep price tag. Myth Audio |
Pubul57 There is something about the idea of a passive linestage that makes me think it has to be better of doing nothing destructive to the signal, and that in some way an active, any active simply does too much to a signal be as pure to the source. Assuming appropriate gain and impedance match.Pubul57 Hi Paul, there is a way you can see how little the Lightspeed Attenuator embeds it's own character onto the sound of the source. I don't tell many people to do this but if your careful it can show what colorations/distortions preamps passive or active are doing. First plug your source directly into your poweramp and the put on a known very quite low level CD (have your finger on the stop button just in case) then get a cd/track that you think will be at your normal listening level and see what it sounds like, this is the purest sound you will get from your system. Note the level you were listening at, insert the Lightspeed and listen again at the same volume, I've done this many times to members of our audiophile society and they cannot pick if the Lightspeed was in or out of the system, yet when tried with other active/passive pre's they could distinguish the difference, this listening test shows how transparent the pre is. Saying that you will get people that like the colorations that some pres can give if the system is flawed and needs that coloration embeded on it. Cheers George |
Well, I have spending a lot of time listening over the past few days, if for no other reason than to get over "new thing euphoria". I have also had two audiophile friends with good "credentials" come over for some listening sessions. All I can say is the Lightspeed Attenuator is the best sounding preamp I have used in my system with my Music Reference RM9 and RM10MKII amps, and my friends loved it too. Lack of dynamics, pace, or bass simply not issues in my set-up. It is as simple one input/output device and single-ended and, oh my god, no remote, but if it fits your ergonomic needs, and don't know if there is a better sounding preamp, and if there is, it would be so much more expensive as to make that pursuit meaningless IMHO. Not for everyone and all systems, but if it works for you, you are in for a real treat. At the price I would especially recommend it to those that have had success with TVC/AVCs and understand a little bit about the use of passives. Soon I will try it with the Atma M60 amps, though I think there may be a gain issue there, we'll see. |
I got the Lightspeed right now. All I can say, Wow. Stereo image is improved signifantly, brushes are more clear(strikingly good), piano becomes more "resonant", low end goes deeper, it all happens down deep there. Maybe the speakers (Master Contempory C, you will not regret it, on the contrary!) are the main reason for that, but for sure the Lightspeed adds another dimensionality. Good works George! |