Transitioning from Tubes back to SS


I bought a new Cary SLI-80 to use with my custom Altec 604 based speakers, and have come to the realization that tubes aren’t for me. I’m sure experimenting with different tubes and such might make a difference, but I have to say I really miss my solid state electronics.

I plan to put the SLI-80 up for sale shortly, but before I do so, I’d be interested in some recommendations regarding a solid state replacement. I could go back to an amp/pre combination, or perhaps even a solid state integrated. The only absolute requirement is remote volume control, and I would prefer something in the 100wpc range or higher. I realize the efficiency of these drivers, but I’ve always found that there’s a benefit to having substantial headroom.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated. I'm not sure what the Cary SLI-80 is worth (has about 10 hours of use, and a custom dark blue laquer case), but I'd like to keep it so the "exchange" would be break-even at worst.

With only ten hours of use, you've hardly given your current set up a chance. Why don't you try listening to your system for a while, see what you like, or don't like, and then try to figure out what you want instead of looking for "spec power" that you won't even use. Is it possible that something is awry with the speakers you are using, are you a "big bass ball" afficionado, or is the "warm up time" really too much to bear? Maybe it is the upstream electronics that you are not happy with. Your currrent system should really excel in some areas and you should be well aware of them before you are so quick to trade them away. Just my 2 cents worth (if you are looking for solid state and your mind is made up, my YBA Integra DT that I use in my bedroom system is nice, clean sounding, and plenty powerful enough to drive my Martin Logan SL 3's, if you can find one, you may want to give that a listen), FWIW, just give it a little more time is my advise. You may be pleasently suprised with how your current system sounds after it has a chance to "grow on you." Happy Listening.
Your Cary amp will sound totally different after 100-150 hours on it. SS gear takes even longer.
Your amp definately needs more time to break in as do the tubes assuming all is new with no time. Some tube gear and tube can sound dreadufl in the first 100 hours and as mentioned by Plilefreak SS typically needs longer to sound right.

I'm wondering what was wrong (or what were you looking for) with your previous SS amplification that made you go to tube?

The great thing about tubes is that once it is broken in and you have found any synergy issues or room for general improvement you can usually get that by rolling in tubes. With SS you are basically stuck to cabling tweaks etc or speaker rolls !

I believe you mostly a rock listening -phile?
I had quite a few listening sessions with John Rutan from Audioconnection store in Verona NJ that carries and truly loves his Cary line of equipment.
It really has everything: resolution, dynamics, clarity and presence, holography but doesn't have a speed(slew rate) that requires rock... For tubes IMHO it's only possible for OTL amps that are very expensive >30W/ch.
Other than that for SS equipment I would personally like to give a try for wYred4sound integrated unit ( I believe that this equipment will be priced more than it's right now and you won't loose a dime using it.
How old are the 604 crossovers? Original caps? Upgraded caps in the crossover network might wake up your system.