I want to try tubes, need suggestions

I want to go integrated if possible. Heard good things about Cary and Rogue from the perspective of value for money. Price range is 2K. Suggestion for what to look for?
Rogue Audio Cronus.........a beautiful EL-34 integrated amp, with wonderful musical properties. Obviously, it depends on your speakers, front end, and room......but it is indeed a terrific amp.
Another really nice tube integrated is the Jadis Orchestra Reference, I say this not because you should get one, but for things you should also consider. I own a JOR and love it, BUT. . .power tube biasing should be done by a qualified technician or someone well esperienced with this procedure. In short, changing power tubes can be a real pain in the A__, on a JOR! My friend owns a Sound Valves (Dynaco clone) power amp which simply uses the intensities of a pair of green lights to bias the output tubes (really easy). So, when you consider the equipment, also consider the ease of use (how easy or hard is it to change tubes). Signal tubes and rectifier tubes are every 6-12 months, sometimes longer or shorter as luck can sometimes have it (usually no biasing necessary for these). Power tubes can last 1-4 years or so depending on how hard you drive them, how you treat them, and how many hours you put on them. Cost of retubing, and availability of tubes should also be strongly considered. Just a few thoughts you might want to be aware of. Happy listening.