I want to try tubes, need suggestions

I want to go integrated if possible. Heard good things about Cary and Rogue from the perspective of value for money. Price range is 2K. Suggestion for what to look for?
an Audio Note Soro SE or Oto are both really (really) sweet but low powered at 18 and 10 watts respectively.
I have had a manley stingray and an audio note soro. if you can handle the lower power of the audio note it is a nice amp -- engaging and detailed for the $$. Should be able to find one used for about 2 k. amp benefits a good deal from upgrading the tubes. for less money, the manley asserts itself nicely. good luck.

Unless it's to move up the Manley line, I don't see myself parting with the Stingray anytime soon.
Tmicha3941-Why don't you tell us a little about your gear,room size,type of music you like to listen to and what
sound you like and don't like.
Have you heard another persons setup and was there something you liked about it or are you flying solo?