I want to try tubes, need suggestions

I want to go integrated if possible. Heard good things about Cary and Rogue from the perspective of value for money. Price range is 2K. Suggestion for what to look for?
If you go with the Rogue suggest going with the Magnum upgrade gives you better parts, moves the amp to 90 wpc -and comes with KT90 tubes and NOS preamp tubes - you can still use EL34s if you like - the power supply and a few other things are better - biasing is a snap.

It depends on what speakers you will be using the amp with. Don't rush into buying unless you have nailed down the speakers.
To Philjolet

I had the stingray and the soro back to back and was able to compare both at the dealer. IMO the soro has a more detailed and bigger presentation, just more music there, and with some new tubes had a sound that i preferred. I did not tube roll with the manley so i might have missed something. the soro was a little flat sounding with standard tubes though.

hope this helps.