Good amp for Klyne....

I have a Klyne SK-5A about to arrive. I've wanted a Klyne preamp for years, ever since I had a chance to listen to one many moons ago and the opportunity arose to lay hands on one. Just wondering from any other Klyne users what kind of power amps you've had good results with? I'll be driving Magnepan MG12's. Just wondering if there's any really synergistic pairings where the Klyne pre's can put their best foot forward.... thanks!
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Congrats on your purchase! I've used a SimAudio Celeste W-4070s (or was that an i or an e?), also a pair of Shanling monoblocks and now a pair of Audio Space Nova M34 monoblocks with my SK-5A. They all sounded great. The preamp was limited by the amps, not the other way around. IMHO you can pretty much buy the best amp you can afford. Any of the SS powerhouses that get recommended for Maggies ought to do it.
I'm using my Klyne series 7 line stage with an Eagle 4 and LOVING IT! the sound to me has never been better... cables are all Cardas Golden Cross and Ensemble. power conditioners are highly modded Tice Solo and solo HC..
I am traditionally a passive pre guy but I love what this Klyne does... even if not totally completely neutral and transparent like the passive.. it's just magical to me.
Does anyone else feel this way about their Klyne???
Have the Klyne in and I'm running it right now with a Rawson amp... I may just stick with this for some time to come!
I am using Klyne System 7 with a 50W tube amp (Lectron) and Pro Ac Response 3.8 speakers. Recently, Stan Klyne upgraded my pre-amp to V4 which increased dimensionality and detail and added quite a bit of warmth. Now, musicality and believability of the presentation of my system are better than ever before.

Stan was very helpful in the process and I can say all the best about his service and the way he treated me. He keeps a low profile and does not participate in any discussions here or at AA, but his equipment sounds great.