HELP Amp for Revel M20?

So, I just got my M20s and have realized the old amp I have will not cut it. What do you think? I will spend up to around $2000. However, I would really enjoy paying less!

Please HELP! My new speakers are sitting... waiting.

oh by the way I listen to everything from rock to jazz... to indy stuff.

Congrats on the M20s, fantastic speakers at used prices. I used a Bel Canto eVo2i to drive my M20s with excellent results.
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hi I owned the m20s for years, i used a threshold amp with great results. also pass labs aleph 5 sounds great, so did cj tube amps and rogue audio m150 mono blocks. oh yeah, so did classe amps, all can be had for great prices, good luck, chrissain
Good speaker. Integrated or power amp? Either way, yes, bring on the power. Lots of it. Tubes? Maybe not. Hybrids OK.


Vincent Audio SV-236 MkII
Cambridge Audio Azur 840A v2
Musical Fidelity A5 (used - can verify a good combination)

Bel Canto e.One S300
Odyssey Stratos Extreme
NAD C-275BEE (bargain)
I'll second Bob-reynolds recommendation of Parasound Halo A21. 250w/c in 8ohms,400w/c in 4ohms. You can get it used
for around $1300.