Tone controls? Sorry about the heresy.

I need tone controls! Too much of the music I listen to needs it. A lot of 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's rock. Some acoustic music. Who makes excellent preamps with tone controls OR what other box can I use that won't degrade the sound too much? Currently use a PS Audio 4.5, Adcom GFA-555II, JPW speakers.
Why not, if it pleases your ears. Equalizers, also yes. A unit that gets great reviews is the Technics 9010. The latter lets you adjust the band width in each of its five frequency bands, so it is fun to play with.
Also, some hi end software that does tone and equalization can be fun to try.
Don't know your budget. A couple that come to mind on either end of the price spectrum:
One that quickly comes to mind, was a particular add on tone control unit made by Parasound and, was designated model# REQ-150. A small black box that received a good review from the Sensible Sound a while back.
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I know what your looking for..

An Accuphase C-200 preamp,it even has 3 sets of outs!!!

Very good tone controls.

There's not a dam thing wrong with tone controls.....I own amps with them and without them,(tube and SS), all this talk about "no tone control pre's sound better", is pure Rubbish.

They are wonderful pre's $400 to $600 used.

I own 2, good luck!