Kzhtoo - I also have the XP-10 and the XA30.5.
My power conditioner (PC) is the Running Springs Dmitri. It is awesome and I highly recommend it. I found a (slightly) used one on Audigon. It still wasn't inexpensive but I am VERY happy I got it.
I'm not sure what you mean by (SC) but I'm going to guess your asking about the power cord (also, er, PC). I use Spiral Groove GrooveLine power cords for both the XP and the XA. (Actually, all my wire--power, inter, speaker--is SG GrooveLine). I don't think these have come to market yet. So that's probably not too much help. But these are very, very neutral. And that seems to suit the Pass stuff (and my system) perfectly.
BTW I moved up from the previous generation of Pass pre and amp and used a mix of cables and went through many gyrations with them. If you want more info, let me know. I won't bore the rest of those on the thread.
Hope that helps.