High Current SS amps with input impedance = 200K

I'm looking to identify amps like this that would match optimally to an Audio Research sp16 tube pre-amp with output impedance of ~ 20K?
Hi Bob, Please consider my posts in this context - I was not trying to do anything more than provide a 'simple' answer to the OP's question without getting technical nor doing his research for him. That is a methodology I have used professionally as well as in these forums. In retrospect I probably didn't do it well here. It didn't work out well did it! :-)

As Al pointed out Stereophile had reviews which specifically addressed this particular unit, information that was available to all who cared to read it. I knew about them as well and had read them when they were published. In the future I will try to emulate Al more and simply refer folks to the source and avoid adding an interpertation and describe how it would actually effect his situation (unless he were to ask of course). That will be more helpful to the poster's understanding, perhaps stimulate his curiosity and encourge further research into the issue, but as importantly, avoid potential unpleasantry between the responding posters.

Hope you guys all have a nice day...............
Newbee (& Bob), thanks very much for the kind comments; much appreciated. I've learned a good deal since I've been here from your posts, too, as well as those of all of the other regulars who've participated in this thread.

My statement of "less than 0.4db" loss at 20Hz with a 10K load was a quick rough swag, and the actual number is probably close to 0.1db (and almost certainly less than 0.2db). The exact calculation is a little complex, because the preamp's output impedance is partly capacitive and partly resistive, and resistive and capacitive impedances don't sum linearly.

But with the numbers being that small at 20Hz, and undoubtedly totally negligible at say 30Hz and above, there's no need to be more precise. 0.1db is the commonly accepted rule-of-thumb for conservative level-matching, but that figures to be driven mainly by mid-range frequencies, where the ear is vastly more sensitive.

Thanks very much again for the nice words.

Best regards,
-- Al
Here are the leading contenders for the position of amp in my main system:

1) Wyred 4 Sound st-1000 or sx1000, best value, 500w/ch Class D offers potentiall best overall dynamics in my price range, 60K ohm input impedance, reported best of class results by OHM guru and fellow agoner Mamboni

2) Musical Fidelity A308CR, similar to what I have, 31K ohm input impedance, 250w/ch local seller, can audition in my system, 60+ amps current deliver (total for both channels I'm assuming

3) Musical FIdelity A5CR, similar to A5CR but significantly higher current delvery based on user guide specs, none available currently but I am not in a rush and could wait.

Is anyone familiar with A308CR versus A5CR that can offer insight on what all is different?

4) Larger ARC SS amp, D400 or 300.2, 150Kohm input impedance, 200 w/ch or so , I would have few reservations trying out other ARC gear that can fit in nicely with my pre-amp and the OHM 5s.

All thoughts welcome!

I once thought I was in love with ARC D400, at least on specs. . . until I heard it. . . and my ears started to 'bleed'. Am I ever glad I did not buy it without auditioning!G.
Interesting reading. Several of us made this mistake when starting. This is an excellent lessons learned for new audiophiles. Why don't A'gon create a lessons learned folder entitled "Audiophile 101". I learnt the expensive way.