Integrated SS amps - Luxman vs. Simaudio Moon?

Instead of separates, I am considering a high quality integrated amp for my new system. The speakers I am considering (Verity Audio) are not hard to drive. The two brands at the top of my list are:

Simaudio Moon Evolution i-7 (or the new 700i) vs.

Luxman L-509u (or L-590Aii 30 wpc pure class A).

I have heard theses units in different systems at different dealers, and so not direct comparisons.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


What Verity speakers are you thinking of? I had Fidelios with a Pass INT-150 and thought it was very good, but not exceptional. I've heard the Luxman, and while it runs very hot (not my cup of tea) it sounds phenomenal--very natural. I haven't heard it with Verity, but I do imagine this would be a good combination. Verity is easy to drive, so there are a lot of lower-power integrateds you can look at. The i-7 is very good, but maybe a little too analytical for verity, but again, I don't know which verity's you're thinking of. I don't know anything about the 700i.

Pass has a new INT-30A which is based off the X30.5, which is 30 watts of class A. That might be an interesting thing to audition.

If you're deciding between just luxman and sim, I would say luxman.
The Luxman L-590A II has it all. Great sound, flexibility, looks, functionality, and meters. I own one and and haven't looked back. Tone Audio did a review on the L-590 in issue 15, I believe.

Take your time to evaluate all your considerations carefully.
Between the two, Luxman would be my only consideration. My brief stint in owning Sim amps was disappointing.
Which integrated will match best with your speakers and room and what kind of sound do you prefer? Unfortunately, there is no way for anyone to answer these questions. You will not know until you're able to stick the integrated in your system with whatever Verity speakers and hear what you have. Since we can't audition used units, you will need to gamble, buy the integrated and speakers, and face possible re-sale of the integrated.