Integrated SS amps - Luxman vs. Simaudio Moon?

Instead of separates, I am considering a high quality integrated amp for my new system. The speakers I am considering (Verity Audio) are not hard to drive. The two brands at the top of my list are:

Simaudio Moon Evolution i-7 (or the new 700i) vs.

Luxman L-509u (or L-590Aii 30 wpc pure class A).

I have heard theses units in different systems at different dealers, and so not direct comparisons.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


They have a dealer in Toronto, but I don't know who it is. Just give them a call 519-469-3215. They have a message on their site that email is currently down.

Gilbert Yeung (owner/designer) is great to work with.
The components we have been discussing (Luxman 590Aii, Verity Audio Rienzi) are not ones that I can audition in my city.

Some days I think that I should just play it safe and buy stuff that I can see, touch, audition TOGETHER, and enjoy such as B&W 803d speakers driven by Bryston electronics (BP-26 and 4B or 14B SST2) with either a Bryston or Esoteric CD player.

Trying to put together a system on paper that is "better" means that I will hear it for the first time after I buy it and set it up in my listening room.

Is this a risk worth taking, and is it even an intelligent approach to spending a considerable sum of money?


If you take a trip to Montreal, you can hear the Verity ... maybe at the factory. ;-)

I purchased my Playback Designs MPS-5, Blue Circle BC206 & BC208 sight unseen and it worked out. When I purchased the BC206 ($15k US), I knew very little of Blue Circle and Gilbert. I suppose it was a little risky. I did trust the opinions of people I know however.
I think the risk of buying sight unseen is minimal if you do your research. Accuphase, Luxman, Blue Circle and Verity are all can't miss / highly reputabl brands IMO. Personally, I would hold out for a good used pair of Verity's (olderParsifals) and pair it with either the Luxman or Accuphase and buy your CDP new or gently used/demo with a warranty.
You both make valid points, but B&W 803d with Bryston elctronics are also reputable and highly regarded options that I can actually audition.

Is it not better to deal with the devil you know?