tubes and rock and roll, good fit?

Considering a move from solid state, to a tubes based set up, specificly VTL's Siegfried mono amps and 7.5 Series 11 line stage. Will I be happy with tubes or is there to much bloom for rock and roll? Only system I ever heard play real rock and roll with tubes was Lloyd Walkers and it sounded fantastic. It blew me away. Was it the tubes? Already have the tt and phono stage. Real knowledge and experiance thoughts wanted. Looking to make that FINAL move! thanks
Tvad; acually I had not desided but was leaning. I do not take spending my hard earned money lightly. But I did answer your question on others with rockports using the Siegfried's. Also you went from tube to ss back to tubes? or did I read your post wrong? I spoke to a few others who I believe to be knowledgable in audio and they made me feel much more confortable with my desission. It is a BIG leap of faith. should arive in around 4 to 5 weeks. thaks for your input.
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He just makes one of the best speakers, period. I heard the Ankaa w/ an ARC Classic 60 amp, and thought it sounded great. I can't imagine not being thrilled w/ a Rockport and a well matched tube based system. This of course for my tastes, and IMHO.
I use tube pre-amp AR LS-8 with Channel audio d 200 mono blocks on bottom (class d) and I think great combo for rock
I agree that tube pre-amp + Class D amp is a very effective way to introduce tubes into a system with speakers that are not designed to be tube friendly (low efficiency, low impedance).