How to open a Peachtree Nova?

I like to change the tube in Peachtree Nova but can't find the way to open it. Somebody help me?

Thanks in advance.

I have a Nova and changed the tube. I removed all the external screws and gently pushed from the rear, not the front.

Hope this helps,
Rgwris, is correct, push from the rear, not the front. That said, even then it did take some force for mine to slide out. It helps if you have a second pair of hands there to grab a hold of the unit as it slides out, so you don't put any pressure on the case and possibly damage it.
You can give a call to this guy if you dont want to make it yourself,

David Richardson

I think he works for Peachtree Audio. Somebody suggested me before.
I do slide the interior by pushing from the back .Like Danlib1 mentioned , the paint chipped on the front edges.I ruined the case and it's the price of tubing the Nova. Damn it!!!!
Vsfang; do you have the chips? A little elmer's white glue applied judiciously did the trick for me. The 2 chips glued right back in place and you can't even see where it happened. The Nova is wonderful, but the black lacquer hanging over the case lip is a ridiculous oversight in manufacturing. Obviously I was not the only guy that had the issue.