Wavac PR-T1 thoughts?

Does anyone have thoughts on this preamp mated to Gryphon Antileon Signature monoblocks? I'm about to order one without really auditioning it since the deal was good. I've read the reviews and discussions on here but it doesn't seem like many people actually use it (probably because it's big bux). None of the bigger magazines have reviewed it.

The Bat Rex keeps coming up as a contender and I will try and audition this too.

Can I go wrong with the Wavac?

I havent auditioned this one either, but there are few reviews on it :(

If you have the chance to audition first, that would be better!
Since you have acquired all your major audio pieces, I think you need to be very goal-oriented in selected that last few. What does your system not do, that you would like it to do.

There are quite a few top level preamps, and each has different strengths and flavors. I would imagine (don't know though) that the WAVAC would provide a more intimate, rich, and larger image size with great midrange texture. The BAT is very taut, clean, and dynamic with great bass and ability to soundstage large orchestral works. Another consideration is whether you care to have XLR or RCA interconnects.

Other preamps to research include Joule, Lamm, and VAC.
in my system, the PR-T1 sounded very much like a solid state preamp, a little on the dry side. bad synergy? or maybe just not my cup of tea?!
10K ohm input impedance on the Gryphon amps according to specs is not a great # for use with tube pre-amps, which tend to have higher output impedance than SS amps in general.

The Wavac advertises 600 ohm output impedance, which is a nominal estimate and can vary at different frequencies.

Of course specs are just guidelines. If you hear any problems with clarity or loose, messy and not clean clear and dynamic sound, this matching might be something to look more closely at also.