If money were no object, what would be in your rig

Many of us have admired great systems on Audiogon like Albert Porters and some of us prefer a more simpler system. If you could change any component(s) what would it be and why? Or are you satisfied with what you have?
Erastratus, in my opinion, yes the XD-1/Oppo is better. I love the Oppo on both HDCDs given that it has the Crystal chips and on SACD. My life is complicated, however, by having a Mac Powerbook Pro music server using Amarra and Pure Music and various dacs. If you are willing to go to this expense, cds do sound better with a server. John does have a music server also, but he is selling the hell out of the Oppo mod.
Money no object? Forget the rig. I would hire the original musicians to come to my house and play for me! Perhaps a personal assistant to make all arrangements for that as well.

OK with that kind of sum i would go for raw DIY-I would invest 97%of that money to plasma speakers technical researches to extend response down to 80hz , left 0.6% manufacture one prototype, 2% build dedicated house with optimised airflow to prevent any health issues ,then buy and mount in wall 346 scan speak 23w4557 9 inch subwoofers all over the room and feed each with 500w digital modules. with left few bucks i would give to charity organizations, buy older style studio master tape player ond so on.