Mac 402 or 501 for B&W 802D?

I'm now firmly set on purchasing B&W 802D (a friend upgrades to the new Diamond model and sells his pair for a good price) so the question is - how better Mcintosh 501 monoblocks are with 802 compared to Mac 402? Nearly twice the price where I live - is it as better or the law of diminishing results kicks in big time here?

I found the 402 a very solid contender for many many speakers.... I've heard the 802N, but not the Diamonds. hearing the 501s on the same speakers as the 402 & 602, were the costs all the same I'd opt for the 602 and not look back.

I thought the 501s sounded more critical by far than the other two amps. All of the audition was fueled by the top tier Mc transport, and mc SS preamp. So the electronics were pretty fair to middlin'.

naturally as important as is the squeaker + amp combo, I feel any Mc amp listed here will work electronically.... the caveat I'd submit now is this:

There's more to the quality of the resultant sound than just those two factors.

you gonna run the exact same source, cabling, and so forth as your friend?

it is something to think about, so I thought to mention it.

otherwise... your results may not be those your heard elsewhere even though the same drivers and power were in play..

BUT....IF the Ds are better integrated from the mids to the top, and the Ds top end is easier than the Ns, i could see where the 501s would attract AND even with longer listening sessions be satisfying.

if however the Ds tweeter is on par with the Ns, I'd opt for the 02s... which one is up to budget it would seem though.

I'll wave ba bye with this.. bought rightly them Macs usually hold their value. Buying a preowned but very nice 402 to try out ought not to provide much of a deficit if it simply does not float your boat and with some ... a little libation and maybe a steak, you ought to be able to coax your 501 friend to swing by with his 501s for a bit of comparison listening.

By golly you ought to know that way for sure!! then either keep or flip.

.... luck
I went to a dealer who had 802d so I could hear the Mc sound. Not sure whether it was 270W or the 402 but it did not have near the control that my Krell has. Bass was muddy and the mids undefined. That said, I would still like to hear the 501's to see what they sound like.
did you compare the krell in the same room and same setup? if not, it's probably the room that you are hearing...
I own B&W802D. Great speakers. All dealers who carry B&W also carry other B&W Group amplifiers: Classe and, I believe, McIntosh - at least I auditioned both of them. Both are OK and McIntosh is a touch better, IMO of course

The amplifiers I use and love, today, are Spectron Musician III monoblocks! I believe that only very powerful amplifier can unlock the magic of these heaven;y speakers. Spectron has the power in spades plus magic midrange and silky tops.

All The Best in your search

Look at all amplifier options before you get on the McIntosh bandwagon. Lot's of very good alternatives out there for those speakers. Those speakers can sound flat out superb with the right amps.

PS. Lucky man your friend...the new 802s are incredible and a MAJOR step forward for B&W.