Aesthetix Calypso Signature vs. ARC REF 3

I am curious if anyone has made a comparision between these two pre-amps. How would you describe the differences?
Sonic as well as build quality, maybe last pre-amp I buy.
No one answered Theo's question...
Has anyone compared the Aesthetix Calpso SIGNATURE to the ARC REf. 3???
Thanks Gandme. But I think in compilation of what I have read and heard I will be happier with the ARC. I have decided (due to economic reasons) to wait and buy a LS27 when one comes available. I wanted to look at Modwright but was actually told buy Dan that the LS100 would be more "tubey" than what I am used too and I have come to the conclusion that the Calypso would probably be close. O have the LS26 now and the 6H30's seem to keep me closer to the SS sound I am used to. Correct me if I am wrong as I have yet to hear the Aesthetix. I wanted to then the dealer passed on before I had a chance to do an in home demo. I have heard the REF3 in my system and loved it and ARC claims the LS27 surpasses it and rivals the Ref5. The only thing missing is the funds. So if anyone would like to contribute to my Theos' Audio Fund please send money to TAF 123 Blue Note Way, Poorsville USA.....:)
Theo, I have not auditiond the Arc ref3 but I did go and upgrage my Calypso to a Signature. It is very nice and a great improvment, when I was expecting only a small gain in overall performance.
Thanks Gandme, I haven't done anything yet. Maybe a dealer in my area will take on the product line now that it is available.