The $5000.00 Complete System Challenge

I have an exciting challenge for the Audiogon community....

If you had a Rega P7 turntable already, but need all other components of your system, what would you buy not to exceed $5000?

Need: Amp, Pre, CD Player, and Speakers

Used items are ok.... assume current Audiogon classified pricing.

Would you spend most on speakers? Most on Amp? You guys tell me....
Amp integrated:

Plinius 8100 or Sugden A21a about $1000
CD player CEC TL5100Z about $500
Phono amp Acoustech Ph1p or ph3 about $1000
Speakers Totem one or forrest about $2500

Done. Cables can be added later for now any copper wire will do.
If you are now talking about spending up to $5000 on speakers instead of several components, I would definitely look into Merlins. The latest TSMs (maybe even with a decent, inexpensive sub for just a little more bottom end) would be terrific. Another idea would be used VSMs. I believe, from years of experience with Merlins as well as other speakers, that the TSMs and VSMs are two of the most accurate, enjoyable speakers made. That makes upgrading from there so much easier!

Good luck!
I second the Magnepan 1.6's; or, if you can stretch the $$$ and your room is large enough I would go with a good used pair of Magnepan 3.6's (IMHO, they are better in every way than the 1.6's or the 1.7's for that matter)...

A used NAD C275 BEE stereo amp will surprise you on how well it can drive a Magnepan and it sounds exceptional (especially for it's relative low cost used - about $750).

Any reasonable priced tube pre-amp; you want tubes in the rig somewhere.