Hovland HP-100 Users

Do you use or have you used the Hovland HP-100? If so, do you find it to be overly tough on the tubes? The last couple sets of NOS Mullards that I installed seemed to get noisy rather quickly, after about six months. Have you experienced this issue?

Also, have you tried the EAT 12AX7's? They are very pricey!
I've listened to the Opal before, it's a very good piece. I may have to re-visit it when I move on from the Hovland.
No, I use VTL 125 MB's (EL-34's) on my KHorns and a pair of Cary 500MB's on my Magnepans.
If you like the Wyetech Opal wait until you hear the new Wyetech Ruby. I have a few audio friends in Ottawa who are beta testers or something like that who tell me that the Ruby is awesome.
I used to dream about the Opal and the 211 mono's w/me roasting to a golden brown after each session.