Hovland HP-100 Users

Do you use or have you used the Hovland HP-100? If so, do you find it to be overly tough on the tubes? The last couple sets of NOS Mullards that I installed seemed to get noisy rather quickly, after about six months. Have you experienced this issue?

Also, have you tried the EAT 12AX7's? They are very pricey!

I moved up -- and it really was a move up -- to a Wyetech Opal and have not looked back. After rolling different tubes, I now use Sylvania Bad Boys and Russian NOS 6sn7's or whatever the Russian equivalent was and have been very happy. It's the one component I hardly ever think of replacing.

I've listened to the Opal before, it's a very good piece. I may have to re-visit it when I move on from the Hovland.
No, I use VTL 125 MB's (EL-34's) on my KHorns and a pair of Cary 500MB's on my Magnepans.
If you like the Wyetech Opal wait until you hear the new Wyetech Ruby. I have a few audio friends in Ottawa who are beta testers or something like that who tell me that the Ruby is awesome.