Recommend an integrated amp for my Harbeth 40.1's

I'm considering simplifying my system (and banking some cash) by selling off my separates (Aesthetix Calypso pre & McIntosh MC 275 MK V) and replacing them with a solid state or hybrid integrated amp.

I don't want to spend over $2,500 and would love to find something for less if it performs well... maybe vintage? I want something that has a good support network in case I ever need repairs, so obscure/chinese brands are not being considered.

I hear good things about Luxman, Naim and Accuphase with Harbeth, but will need something with enough horsepower to control the Harbeth M-40.1's 12" woofer. Naim is intriguing, but I don't understand how it's connections work and I don't want to change my IC's and speaker cables.
Though I never heard this particular combination but perhaps used Rowland integrated is also worth considering. His customer support is among the very best too.
Since you indicated a willingness to buy used, I'd suggest you consider a Plinius integrated as they seem to provide considerable tube-like texture and presence with typical solid state grip on the low end. Pretty good phono stage is a bonus. Seems the Vincent hybrid gets good feedback as well, but I've not heard it. Suspect you might like the Cary SLi80, and I've heard it drive tough loads as well and has a wonderful midrange.
I've owned the Plinus 8200 MK II and thought it was a solid integrated, but a bit too warm and lacking transparency for the already warm Harbeths.

Any thoughts on the Musical Fidelity Nuvista M3? Seems to have plenty of power and has a decent following from what I can glean in the archives. My only concern would be customer service should I need it repaired as the units are around 10 years old.
I have the Anthem Jaybo mentioned and am really pleased with it. It's like a Naim for tunefulness but it also has modern sonic virtues in terms of detail and separation. Gobs of power, also. Otherwise I might consider the Naim XS or investigate what Class D integrateds fit that price range. Perhaps even the Channel Island monoblocks which are tiny and can save you on speaker cable and be placed nearer each speaker.

Something that will more bearing on bass response if of course speaker placement, the stands, and your room.
I just sealed a deal for a Musical Fidelity Nuvista M3 integrated. Hoping there will be British synergy between the Harbeths and the Mus. Fidelity .