Does anyone know someone who can modify Mesa Baron

I just bought a Mesa Baron amp which I would like to have upgraded and modified to sound as good as it possibly can in triode mode. I don't need it right away so I have left it in the box which it just came to me in last week.

The reason I am doing this is for sentimental reasons. My little brother was a musician and loved his Mesa Boogie guitar amp. He was on the verge of getting a recording contract in Nashville when he got an astrocytoma brain tumor and died later at 29.

Everytime I heard just the name Mesa Boogie it brings great memories back. I currently have 2 sets of great amps, Vacuum State Technology mono blocks and Ayon Audio mono blocks. I would really like to make this Mesa amp a killer but I am unable to do it since I am disabled myself.

Please let me know if you know of anyone that you could recommend to turn the Mesa amp into something that would sound better than the day it came from the factory.

Thanks for your help,
Rick Eller
Sacramento, ca 95829

Hello Farmersre,
I regret your loss of a brother, you have my sympathies.

By reputation: RHB Sound Dezign

That's a simple answer to your post, but I strongly urge you to reconsider. By all accounts, the Mesa Baron is an excellent amplifier as manufactured. A modifier will swap out parts and alter the amplifier's sound, but only you can determine if it has improved. To maximize your chances for satisfaction, you should become well acquainted with the stock amp so you can communicate what you perceive to be the amplifier's opportunities. You should also realize that modifications of this type will likely result in a decrease in the amplifier's value. Good luck.
Mesa will still service the amp. Contact them and inquire what they might suggest. At a minimum you might consider sending it to them and ensuring the amp performs to factory specs, or have it refurbished it so it meets factory specs.

One of these days I will buy one of these amps.
I suggest you keep the amp for sentimental value without modifying it in any way. It will never be the same amp would be moding it so that it in fact wont be.
really, the mesa baron had three versions, which do you have? Each version was set up for the tubes it came with. wanna sell it right now ? anthing that has been modded by some guy in a garage becomes worth near zero imho. ironically, mesa got started by modding fender amps ! youre not too far from where mesa is, so maybe you could drive it over,