Best Pre/Amp or Integrated for Zu Essence

I am in the midst of upgrading my system. Current gear features Rega Saturn cd, Regar Elicit integrated with mc phono stage, and Pro-Ject Debut III turntable with Ortofon Salsa mc cartridge (just getting started in vinyl), Zu Libtec speaker cables, Zu Gede interconnects, and Zu Mother and Zu Bok power cords.

I just traded my WLM La Scala monitors for the Zu Essence floorstanders. Love the added dynamics and bass extension from the Zu's. I'm happy with them. I also like the La Scala's but appreciate the extra dose of vividness from the Zu's.

I am now looking to optimize my amplification. The Rega gear sounds pretty great with the Zu's, but I have been informed that tubes may have more synergy with the Essence's.

I am considering the following:
Audio Electronics AE3-DJH paired with Six-Pacs monoblocks,
Quad QC-24 paired with Quad II-Forty's monoblocks,
Cary 300SEI,
Primaluna Prologue 2,
Primaluna Prologue 3 paired with Prologue 7's

Any other thoughts? Budget is $4500. Since this is my first venture into tubes, I would like to stick with something that I can get on dealer demo or new.

I listen to a variety of music from small-scale classical to jazz to indie to electronica.

I am not as concerned with accuracy as much as I am with the "in-the-room" experience.


Your consideration of the Cary 300b amp is well founded, given the optimal load and sensitivity of the Zu speaker. A 300b tube amp can be slow, very fast or any where along this spectrum. Much depeneds on the power supply/ transformer quaility( which should be good with the Cary). Another important variable is the choice of which 300b and driver tube you choose(they make substantial differences in sonic presentation). 6 moons has done very detailed comparisions and found fundamental character changes based simply on which tube was osed. They also found that the driver tube impacts the sound as much/more than the 300b output choice. I can tell you from personal experience that a properly implemented 300b amp can be quite fast and dynamic, yet still provide uncanny realism and presence. Read the 6 moons review of the TJ Full Music SE 300b/6sn7 driver for an example.
Thanks for the reponses so far. I have found them very helpful.

A couple of clarifications. No used equipment unless it is a dealer overstock or demo. I don't want to invest in something that will require retubing or repairs down the road.

Leaning toward:

Quad II with QC-24 pre or

Cary 300SEI or

(darkhorse) Pathos Classic Mkii

Further thoughts appreciated.

Thanks for the feedback. Just took the plunge and ordered the Quad setup. I am hopeful that this will lead to many happy moments.

I use the Cary Audio SLI-80 upgraded to F1 triode only from Upscale Audio with my Zu Essence speakers and it sounds amazing.
I'm using a Decware Torii 3 with my Soul Superflys and it is leading the pack as far as all amplifiers and topologies I've tried. I am planning on trying it with a Shindo Auries-L (today actually) and my suspicion is that it will be an outstanding pairing.