Best Pre/Amp or Integrated for Zu Essence

I am in the midst of upgrading my system. Current gear features Rega Saturn cd, Regar Elicit integrated with mc phono stage, and Pro-Ject Debut III turntable with Ortofon Salsa mc cartridge (just getting started in vinyl), Zu Libtec speaker cables, Zu Gede interconnects, and Zu Mother and Zu Bok power cords.

I just traded my WLM La Scala monitors for the Zu Essence floorstanders. Love the added dynamics and bass extension from the Zu's. I'm happy with them. I also like the La Scala's but appreciate the extra dose of vividness from the Zu's.

I am now looking to optimize my amplification. The Rega gear sounds pretty great with the Zu's, but I have been informed that tubes may have more synergy with the Essence's.

I am considering the following:
Audio Electronics AE3-DJH paired with Six-Pacs monoblocks,
Quad QC-24 paired with Quad II-Forty's monoblocks,
Cary 300SEI,
Primaluna Prologue 2,
Primaluna Prologue 3 paired with Prologue 7's

Any other thoughts? Budget is $4500. Since this is my first venture into tubes, I would like to stick with something that I can get on dealer demo or new.

I listen to a variety of music from small-scale classical to jazz to indie to electronica.

I am not as concerned with accuracy as much as I am with the "in-the-room" experience.


Thanks for the feedback. Just took the plunge and ordered the Quad setup. I am hopeful that this will lead to many happy moments.

I use the Cary Audio SLI-80 upgraded to F1 triode only from Upscale Audio with my Zu Essence speakers and it sounds amazing.
I'm using a Decware Torii 3 with my Soul Superflys and it is leading the pack as far as all amplifiers and topologies I've tried. I am planning on trying it with a Shindo Auries-L (today actually) and my suspicion is that it will be an outstanding pairing.
Theres no question about a synergy between tube amps and the Essence. I've run my Essences on at least seven different tube amps ranging from 2A3 SETs to the ARC Classic 60, and all did very well. For a different perspective on life, try a Unison Research Unico P. 50 watts of very capable Class A biased output fronted by a 12Au7 in the pre. An extremely well constructed amp that performs very well and squeezes a bit more bass from my Essences than some tube amps. It's price won't add to the deficit either.
As an update to my prior post, I love the Shindo, but it is not the pre for the Torii. At least not for my amp in my friends system. The torii is still extremely highly recommended.