I know that for me there was no contest. The tube power amp provided the tube magic . I had tried the tube front end solutions but none of them did what the tube power amps did. Not a tube preamp, nor a tubed CD, player could came close to the effect that a tube power amp had. I understand that the real purpose of a tube buffer is to improve impedance matching and not to introduce a tube "signature" on the sonic.
Except for Micheal/Sufentenil, I am in that minority opinion but I am emphatic about that position. I am inviting your disapproval but I think anyone who has actually tried a tube power amp instead of just noting that their tube preamp made some difference would immediately realize that the tube power amp is far and away the most important factor in achieving the tube difference.
If the OP really wants to get the exaggerated droopy sluggish rolled off tubeyness typical of the unrefurbished golden age HI FI tube amps, then all he need do is buy one- for relatively little I might add. That sound is still incorrectly held by many as being the essential benefit of using tubes. It is not. The modern tube amp does not limit top end but conversely "sparkles" as my friend Trelja would say. The reason it appears to sound smoother is that it does not suffer the edgy, hashy, or gritty distortion which is more typical of SS. I am told the SS distortion is odd order whereas the tube distortion which while greater, is even order and percieved as pleasant. The real benefit however the incredible dimensionality that modern tube power amps yield, it is really 3D magic.
I agree that the tube amp bass can be looser and that low impedance highly reactive loads work well with every tube amp. Some will not be a good match with every speaker. However there are enough good speaker manufacturers aware of the popularity of tube amps that offer compatible products.
End of rant.
Except for Micheal/Sufentenil, I am in that minority opinion but I am emphatic about that position. I am inviting your disapproval but I think anyone who has actually tried a tube power amp instead of just noting that their tube preamp made some difference would immediately realize that the tube power amp is far and away the most important factor in achieving the tube difference.
If the OP really wants to get the exaggerated droopy sluggish rolled off tubeyness typical of the unrefurbished golden age HI FI tube amps, then all he need do is buy one- for relatively little I might add. That sound is still incorrectly held by many as being the essential benefit of using tubes. It is not. The modern tube amp does not limit top end but conversely "sparkles" as my friend Trelja would say. The reason it appears to sound smoother is that it does not suffer the edgy, hashy, or gritty distortion which is more typical of SS. I am told the SS distortion is odd order whereas the tube distortion which while greater, is even order and percieved as pleasant. The real benefit however the incredible dimensionality that modern tube power amps yield, it is really 3D magic.
I agree that the tube amp bass can be looser and that low impedance highly reactive loads work well with every tube amp. Some will not be a good match with every speaker. However there are enough good speaker manufacturers aware of the popularity of tube amps that offer compatible products.
End of rant.