McIntosh MC302

Anyone have experience with this amp as it is still not on McIntosh's website?
I auditioned this amp along with the Krell S-275. The Mac is very warm and I found it too un-resolving in the upper treble and a bit to warm throughout the midrange. The Krell is much more resolving in the treble and midrange and the Krell also has better bass definition.

The MC 302 is an absolutely beautiful amplifier and built like a tank. I really was hoping that I would like it better, but it is just too warm for my taste.
Anyone else taken delivery or listened to an MC302? The net is unusually light on insights !

Thank you
I had a MC252 and was looking to upgrade to a newer model. I almost went with the MC302 due to size to fit in my cabinet. After listening to the MC302 and MC452 I went with the higher-powered MC452. I was able to fit in my cabinet after removing the back of the console. There is a noticable difference between push-pil design (302) and qud balanced (452). The MC252 was a great amp - the MC452 even better. I now have about 4 hrs on the amp and it sounded great right out of the box. I do not find the amp warm at all; same with the 302. But, I am using a McIntosh tube pre.