Tube Research Labs Dude vs. Shindo Labs preamps

I am in the market to look for a tube preamp. I have narrow down my choices to Tube Research Labs Dude and a comparable price Shindo Labs.

Can anybody provide me your experience to help me to make a better decision? Better yet, have anybody compared them side by side before?

Seems from the previous thread that just got deleted Cdente outlined pretty clearly conversations he had with TRL to try to rectify the problem. Perhaps he's now overly frustrated to the point where he feels working with them isn't going to improve his lot. Who really knows at this point? It's basically all hearsay except for what we hear from the primary parties involved. So far only one side is talking.

What I do know is that threads disappearing doesn't benefit anyone. Quite frankly the behavior of a few produces negative benefits for the community as a whole. Even more to the point I believe, as it did in the past, it poorly reflects on the manufacturer. They don't need or deserve to deal with the fall out that generally occurs because of this type of behavior or be associated with it.

Ship your blinkin Dude to TRL and have them sell it to a more worthy owner.

Well has the manufacturer made this offer? To me this is the most reasonable thing I've read since this all got started.
For the record I will gladly ship it back to them for a full refund. Changes nothing in terms of my experience with them as a consumer or as a member of this community. And no I have not heard anything directly from the manufacturer.

Did TRL offer to sell the unit for you? No Pinocchio movements on us now.

Did you call Paul before your cut throat rage in the forums?
No not to the best of my recollection but I can check emails to be sure. I do remember asking for a refund at one point though. I really did go the extra mile(s) to hang in there and resolve the problems. I went far over and above the call of duty as a consumer. That I can say with absolute certainty.

It is possible that my situation is isolated. Problem is we can never find that out for sure for reasons previously mentioned. Obviously I have already written this thing off from manufacturer support and from a resell perspective. I’m not comfortable here anymore and probably moving on to another forum so you can keep this manufacturers reputation untarnished for all the wrong reasons. Have a good night.
Tony, does Charlie's experiences square with your own since you know the Weitzels well and have owned their products in the past?

For those of you who are confused by thread censorship, please review AG's bylaws. The previous thread referenced involved slander of two separate manufacturers, one by a third party (someone other than the owner of the problematic piece of equipment) and the other by someone who has been offered refunds and help in the past but for unknown reasons fails to engage the manufacturer for reasons which are a mystery. I myself have had struggles with other manufacturers, but publicizing has no inherent value and is self-defeating. If the manufacturer offers no help, then I can sympathize with this tactic, but that is not the case with TRL.

Charlie, take your pre-amp to another audiophiles house and see if this phenomenon is transferable. What specific trouble shooting have you done? Are you still using that vintage (circa 1940s) western electric wire? Having a third party attempt a repair may be cathartic but unlikely to produce fruit. Either way, let us know what steps you take to resolve this situation.