What preamp & power amp to buy?

Hello I'm looking for the best sounding pre amp and power amp to go with my Rockport Ankaa speakers. Cost is no problem. I currently have the Mark Levinson 436 power amps together with the 380 preamp and am looking to upgrade. I would be very interested to find out what electronics those of you with the Rockport Ankaa speakers are using? Any help would be very much appriciated.
Matt Hoult.
05-13-11: Tpreaves
You should really get out and listen to some equipment for yourself. If cost is not a problem,I assume you can afford to travel around some. Just a thought.
How do you know Matthewhoult hasn't been out listening? Maybe he is tired of jetting around the world and want to narrow his search from Rockport Ankaa speaker owners sharing their experiences and recommendations.
Hi Matt, and welcome as a new participant in this forum.
Pls give it a day or so, and you should get more actual responses about gear, from some very knowledgable posters, instead of advice to go elsewhere.

One great amp to consider is a new top-of-the line product just released from Jeff Rowland Design Group, the 625's. They might be an interesting match with the coherence of your incredible Ankaas, and should also be able to successfully drive their lower frequencies.

There's an active thread with Guidocorona, et.al., at:

Good luck!
You should listen to Ayre and Audio Research equipment. Levenson stuff always sounded too dark for me. ..just inquisitive as to if you ever heard the Vandersteen 7's or 5A's?
05-14-11: Syntax
Go to Lamm Industries. They have the best sounding gear.

The best in the world above everything else made or just in your house? :)