What preamp & power amp to buy?

Hello I'm looking for the best sounding pre amp and power amp to go with my Rockport Ankaa speakers. Cost is no problem. I currently have the Mark Levinson 436 power amps together with the 380 preamp and am looking to upgrade. I would be very interested to find out what electronics those of you with the Rockport Ankaa speakers are using? Any help would be very much appriciated.
Matt Hoult.
05-14-11: Syntax
Go to Lamm Industries. They have the best sounding gear.

I second the recommendation for the LAMM products.
The Herron M1 Mono amps and VTSP 3A tube pre will get you world class sound without emptying your account if you do not have power hungry speakers.
sometimes I wonder why I don't just the matching Herron M1s to go with the VTSP 3a. I like trying different amps, but I am curious on how the matching separates from Herron sound. Thats more power cords and IC's though. I don't have the funds at the moment, but maybe in the future. So Wig, have you heard the combo?
You should include Pass Labs Class A monoblocks (XA .5 series) and their pre-amp in your evaluation too. Good luck...nothing more fun than buying new gear.