Rogue Audio M 180 fuse upgrade

Hi, I am thinking of upgrading my power fuses to fururtech.
right now they are using .5 amp buss fuses, what would happen if I increased the fuse amp rating ? to 1 amp or 5 amp? would this allow more current delivery from my amps? could it damage them? .5 amp seems really small. Thanks, chris
Leave your factory fuse and move up the chain and get yourself a new power cord ...... it's that easy!
The purpose of fuses is to protect your gear. Using a larger value fuse will allow more current to flow before the fuse blows in case of a problem, and other expensive parts like output transistors may be damaged instead of the cheap fuse. As others pointer out you will also void your warranty.
As others have pointed out, fuses are designed to protect your components. In case of component failure, like a short, the fuse would blow, shutting off further current flow, and hopefully, preventing damage to other components in the unit. Increasing the current carrying capacity of the designed fuses may endanger your unit in case of component failure. This is not recommended.

If you wish to upgrade your fuses with audiophile fuses, you can safely replace your current ones with fuses of the same current carrying capacity. The rationale of audiophile fuses for enhancing the sound is NOT increasing current carrying capacity, but the improving the material of fuse, like silver or gold, and, sometimes, depending on the maker, damping the vibrations.
have you tried rolling the small signal tubes? If you want to improve the sound I would do that first. Mark likes smooth plate Tele's 12au7's and Brimar 12ax7's. Another great sounding option is the RCA 12ax7 black plates with square getters and RCA 5963 black plates with square getters. They sound really good in the amps and are not as much $$$.