As others have pointed out, fuses are designed to protect your components. In case of component failure, like a short, the fuse would blow, shutting off further current flow, and hopefully, preventing damage to other components in the unit. Increasing the current carrying capacity of the designed fuses may endanger your unit in case of component failure. This is not recommended.
If you wish to upgrade your fuses with audiophile fuses, you can safely replace your current ones with fuses of the same current carrying capacity. The rationale of audiophile fuses for enhancing the sound is NOT increasing current carrying capacity, but the improving the material of fuse, like silver or gold, and, sometimes, depending on the maker, damping the vibrations.
If you wish to upgrade your fuses with audiophile fuses, you can safely replace your current ones with fuses of the same current carrying capacity. The rationale of audiophile fuses for enhancing the sound is NOT increasing current carrying capacity, but the improving the material of fuse, like silver or gold, and, sometimes, depending on the maker, damping the vibrations.