Integrateds with DAC?

Contemplating a modest office system and looking for a "one box solution" integrated/DAC to run off a MAC. Speakers likely to be not-terribly-efficient monitors or mini-towers, but room pretty small (10x14x8h), and I won't be going loud, so power not at a premium.

I'm aware of the Bel Cantos (perhaps a little dear) and the Peachtrees (perhaps a little unreliable?), but curious as to what else is out there.


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I'll add the Music Hall Mambo to the list of integrateds with the DAC.

Hi John,
and I'd add the Naim UnitiQute.....30 watts, but can do wonders with the right speakers...

good luck, and stay out of trouble...
Several very good DACs have sufficient gain and quality of volume control, along with impedance profiles to interface with amplifiers directly, precluding the need for a preamp. If you don't need extra source connectivity, consider a good amplifier and DAC combination. The Bel Cantos you mention are a good example. They become very cost-efficient when you eliminate the pre-amp.
Tact M2150 or S2150 ... true bargains on the used market. There is also a newer, smaller veriosn of the Tact but I am not sure of the model #
