Best tube integrated with Merlin TSM-MMI?

Recommendations for the best tube integrated amp for the Merlin TSM-MMI monitors with Master RCs? 4K or less new or used, yet capable of driving them to their full capability with outstanding detail, extension and harmonic richness.

38 watts is ultralinear spec for the Primaluna Dialogue Two. Mastersound is 20 watts Class A. Don't know about the headroom.
Give a listen to the VTL IT-85. I've got one with upgraded caps driving Dynaudio Special 25's. With good NOS Mullard EL34's it will bring out the wizard in your Merlins...
I just purchased a cary sli-80 f1 edition to pair with my tsm/mme`s. I`m running it with 6550 power tubes right now and the music is beautiful. Man, what a huge sound stage. At Bobby`s suggestion, I just ordered a quad of e34l power tubes for it. Also have a pair of cardas gr ic`s coming.

Bottom the sli-80/merlin combo.
I recently bought Vincent V-60 amp and upgraded tubes recently as well and it's a keeper.