Modwright SWL 9.0SE - Is there anything else?

hi all

I've just heard one of these preamps in my second system, mainly vinyl based around a VPI Classic 3/ Lyra Titan i MC/ Whest Audio PS.30RDT Special Edition phonostage with ATC SCM50ASL active loudspeakers which is a very new purchase.

The Modwright sounds AMAZING and with standard tubes fitted.

Question is....

Is there anything else I should be looking at with a budget upto about $3000. The Modwright gets some real glowing reviews and although I mainly stay away from magazine reviews, I have found the 9.0SE reviews to be spot-on.

I can get one for about $1500 with low mileage. Many people say that it is most likely the best preamp out there at this price range and above.



If you can score this Modwright preamp for around $1500.00 your getting a very good piece for very little money. However, if your budget can go up to $3000.00 I would recommend that might consider the Audio Valve Eclipse which retails for around $5600.00, but does come for around $3000.00 or less here on the GON. Take a look at my review of it for details regarding it's sonics, I liked it much more then the Modwright 36.5, and it took a preamp that cost another $15000.00 more to replace it in my system.
I think the Doge 8 (from Pacific Valve) at around $1,500 is a superlative pre-amp. You can roll some tubes to improve an already excellent performance and it also has a top drawer phono stage.
