Modwright SWL 9.0SE - Is there anything else?

hi all

I've just heard one of these preamps in my second system, mainly vinyl based around a VPI Classic 3/ Lyra Titan i MC/ Whest Audio PS.30RDT Special Edition phonostage with ATC SCM50ASL active loudspeakers which is a very new purchase.

The Modwright sounds AMAZING and with standard tubes fitted.

Question is....

Is there anything else I should be looking at with a budget upto about $3000. The Modwright gets some real glowing reviews and although I mainly stay away from magazine reviews, I have found the 9.0SE reviews to be spot-on.

I can get one for about $1500 with low mileage. Many people say that it is most likely the best preamp out there at this price range and above.


I think the Doge 8 (from Pacific Valve) at around $1,500 is a superlative pre-amp. You can roll some tubes to improve an already excellent performance and it also has a top drawer phono stage.

The Modwright is the best sounding pre I have owned. They are a steal at the used prices. I love mine.

At your budget I would take a serious look at the blemished SAS 11A listed at the link above. With a 30 day money back guarantee from Steve Sammet I think it's well worth the audition.