Integrated vs pre/power

Hi my friend overseas is considering the convenience of a integrated vs a pre/power. His speakers are very efficient.

Some of the integrated's he is considering are the Simaudio 700i, Boulder 865, Gryphon Diablo.
For pre/power he is looking at the Herron VTSP3A/Monoblocks, or the Ayre 5series combo.

will the pre/power always come out ahead, and in what areas?
Are you looking for reasons to talk him out of buying what he wants? If so,why?
I started with integrateds to save time and money, but drifted towards separates as time went on. Now if I want to change my amp, I don't have to change my preamp.

The nice thing about an integrated is that it's all in one piece, one chassis; the bad thing about an integrated is that it's all in one piece, one chassis.
No Stan. Are you,again? I still have the nasty e-mails you sent me reverend. Do you really want to go there?